Preparing and Handling Historic Items

Advice and instructions from the conservators at Artlab Australia to help you prepare your collections to look their best for digitisation while keeping them safe during the process.

Digitising Photos

Conservator Amalia Ranisau from Artlab Australia talks us through how to safely handle historical photos while digitising them.

For more on conservation and collections care visit the Artlab Australia website –

Film produced by Symes Studios.

Digitising Ambrotypes Daguerreotypes

Conservator Amalia Ranisau from Artlab Australia talks us through how to safely handle ambrotypes and daguerreotypes while digitising them.

For more on conservation and collections care visit the Artlab Australia website –

Film produced by Symes Studios.

Digitising Glass Plate Negatives

Conservator Amalia Ranisau from Artlab Australia talks us through how to safely handle glass plate negatives while digitising them.

For more on conservation and collections care visit the Artlab Australia website –

Film produced by Symes Studios.

Digitising Paper Items

Conservator Amalia Ranisau from Artlab Australia talks us through how to safely handle paper items, velum, and various documents while digitising them.

For more on conservation and collections care visit the Artlab Australia website –

Film produced by Symes Studios.

Digitising Books

Conservator Amalia Ranisau from Artlab Australia talks us through how to safely handle books while digitising them.

For more on conservation and collections care visit the Artlab Australia website –

Film produced by Symes Studios.

Using Supports When Digitising Books

Conservator Amalia Ranisau from Artlab Australia talks us through how to use supports to safely digitise fragile books.

For more on conservation and collections care visit the Artlab Australia website –

Film produced by Symes Studios.

Using Weights When Digitising Books

Conservator Amalia Ranisau from Artlab Australia talks us through how to safely digitise fragile books using weights to safely hold them open.

For more on conservation and collections care visit the Artlab Australia website –

Film produced by Symes Studios.

Digitising Maps and Large Documents

Conservator Amalia Ranisau from Artlab Australia talks us through how to safely handle maps and other large documents while digitising them.

For more on conservation and collections care visit the Artlab Australia website –

Film produced by Symes Studios.

Photographing Historic Costume - Getting Started

Textile conservators Mary-Anne Gooden, and Victoria Thomas, provide advice on preparing historic costume for digitisation. In this video they talk us through how to get started when preparing to photograph historic textiles.

This is the first in a series of instructional videos on digitising historic collection items, created as part of the Digitising Collections SA project.

For more on conservation and collections care visit the Artlab Australia website –

Film produced by Symes Studios.

Assessing Historic Costume for Digitisation

Textile conservator Mary-Anne Gooden talks us through assessing historic costume when preparing historic textiles for photography. In this video she guides us through potential stress points for garments, and preparation to safely display costume at its best when digitising.

This video is part of a series of instructional clips on digitising historic collection items, created as part of the Digitising Collections SA project.

For more on conservation and collections care visit the Artlab Australia website –

Film produced by Symes Studios.

Preparing Historic Costume for Digitisation

Textile conservator Mary-Anne Gooden talks us through setting up an effective work space and resources which can assist in getting the best possible results when preparing historic textiles for photography.

This video is part of a series of instructional clips on digitising historic collection items, created as part of the Digitising Collections SA project.

For more on conservation and collections care visit the Artlab Australia website –

Film produced by Symes Studios.

Handling Historic Costume

Textile conservator Mary-Anne Gooden talks us through how to safely handle historic textiles when preparing costume for photography.

This video is part of a series of instructional clips on digitising historic collection items, created as part of the Digitising Collections SA project.

For more on conservation and collections care visit the Artlab Australia website –

Film produced by Symes Studios.

Selecting Supports for Displaying Historic Costume

Textile conservator Mary-Anne Gooden talks us through selecting supports which can assist in getting the best possible results when preparing historic textiles for photography.

This video is part of a series of instructional clips on digitising historic collection items, created as part of the Digitising Collections SA project.

For more on conservation and collections care visit the Artlab Australia website –

Film produced by Symes Studios.

All in pieces! The hard word on mannequins

Textile conservator Mary-Anne Gooden talks us through why hard shop bought mannequins are not always the best support for historic costume, and some simple material for modifying supports.

This video is part of a series of instructional clips on digitising historic collection items, created as part of the Digitising Collections SA project.

For more on conservation and collections care visit the Artlab Australia website –

Film produced by Symes Studios.

Modifying Mannequins

Textile conservator Mary-Anne Gooden demonstrates some simple ways to modify mannequins using simple materials to provide better support for historic costume.

This video is part of a series of instructional clips on digitising historic collection items, created as part of the Digitising Collections SA project.

For more on conservation and collections care visit the Artlab Australia website –

Film produced by Symes Studios.